Book Chapters
Rollins, Annie. “Embodying Shadows: what inherited craft means for shadow puppetry in China.” Shadows, Strings, and other Things: The Enchanting Theatre of Puppets, edited by Nicole Levell and Jill Baird. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, Forthcoming.
Rollins, Annie “Passing Down through Shadows: Chinese Shadow Puppetry’s Ghostly Transmission.” Puppet and Spirit: Investigations in Material Performance and Bodiless Presence, edited by Claudia Orenstein and Tim Cusack. London, Routledge, forthcoming.
Rollins, Annie. “Prompted by Politics: a case study of Chinese Shadow Puppetry’s transition from folk to modern commercialism”. Marionnettes et pouvior: Censures, propagandes, résistances (Marionnettes and Power: Censorship, propaganda, resistance), edited by Raphaèle Fleury and Julie Sermon, Institut de la Marionette, Charleville France, 2019, pp. 171-194.
Puppetry International (peer-reviewed section) Issue #45 (2019), 10-13. Print.
Rollins, Annie. “Puppetry’s Tangible Intangibility: the complexity of safeguarding an intangible performance form with tangible performing objects.”
Rollins, Annie. “Idle Hands: Individual Effects of the Mechanization of Chinese Shadow Puppet Making.” Anthropology Now, 7.3 (2015), 23-31. Print.
Rollins, Annie. “Chinese Shadow Puppetry’s Changing Apprentice System; Questions of Continuance and a Survey of Remaining Shadow Puppet Practitioners in Mainland China 2008-2013.” Asian Theatre Journal, 32:1 (2015): 295-318. Print.
Book Reviews
Goodlander, Jennifer. Puppets and Cities: Articulating Identities in Southeast Asia. London: Methuen / Drama, 2019. Asian Theatre Journal, forthcoming.
Tuan, Iris H. Translocal Performance in Asian Theatre and Film. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol 36.2 (2019): 512-513. Print
Chen, Fan Pen Li. Marionettes Plays from Northern China. New York: State University of New York Press, 2017. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol 35.1 (2018): 229-232. Print.
Industry Publications
Rollins, Annie. “Hands.” Spiffy Moves, 1.1 (2015): 12-13. Print.
Rollins, Annie. “The Last Masters.” Puppetry International, Issue #35 (2014) 8-11. Print.
Rollins, Annie. “An Uncommon Woman and Puppet Pioneer.” Rev. of Shadow Woman, by Grant Hayter-Menzies. Puppetry International, Issue #35 (2014) 34. Print.
Rollins, Annie. “The Inheritance of Shadows.” Puppetry International, Issue #30 (2011) 32-35. Print.
Web Publications
Rollins, Annie. “Ancient Old Things.”, No More Potlucks. Web. 1 Sept. 2015.
Rollins, Annie. “Fake It Till You Make It; China’s Folk Art Knock-off Culture.” Hippo Reads. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.
Rollins, Annie. “The Slow Exchange.” Fulbright Student Program Blog. Web. 7 Oct. 2011.
Websites; first-ever comprehensive website on Chinese shadow puppetry. Currently garnering about 2000 new visitors per month.; fieldwork blog, over 80 posts and 40 artist profiles. Rollins, Annie. “Puppetry’s Tangible Intangibility: the complexity of safeguarding an intangible performance form with tangible performing objects.” Puppetry International (peer-reviewed section). Forthcoming.